Thursday, May 4, 2017

30 Day Writing Challenge

So I'm back again writing in this space ! How I miss writing! Yesterday while hanging out with my friends and reminiscing the old days (mostly about our high school funniest moments!) we suddenly talked about those days when having a blogpost was a big deal! Yes it was! Everybody had one back then! It was a thing and obviously still is ! I remember writing every single thing that happened to me in here and then reading them all back and smiled to myself! This was my Snapchat, IG stories, back then! (cuz right now people put their daily life on those mediums!)
And how I regretted deleting everything because I was ashame? What was I thinking!

But yeah, I can't undo that, I have to move on from that and create a new memory. I always wanted to write just about everything and anything I could think of! And sometimes, the eagerness to write kind of disappeared . And, sometimes, I don't even know what to write when I;m ready to!
Life is weird .

Lat night, when I was on Pinterest, I came across this tips for those who love to write but often gets demotivated. One of them tips are try to challenge yourself with the 30 Day of Writing! And that is what I'd like to try! Not only it helps you to get back on track, but with the topics it gives you for each day will help you to discover yourself.

I always wanted to find myself cuz right now, I don't feel like I'm being me! I know there's so much potential in me, and I know I am a lot braver, and smarter .

So, hopefully by doing this challenge, I'm gonna be better in writing and also discovering myself, insyaallah!

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